

Linux Distributions

Ubuntu (Linux distribution, one among many but it works great for me)

Fedora (free version of Red Hat Enterprise Linux, coveted by developers, and Linus Torvalds' favorite distro)

Linux Mint (a fork of Ubuntu, and my current distro)


Android Studio (integrated development environment for Android mobile application development)

Python (high-level programming language, very popular in data science circles)


R (free statistics package, very extensible)

RStudio (integrated development environment for R)

EpiInfo (free software packages for epidemiology and public health, developed by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention)


PostgreSQL (open source relational database)

MySQL (free relational database if you choose the community edition)

Data Visualization

Tableau (interactive data visualization)

Gephi (graph and network visualization)


GIMP (image manipulation program)

Scribus (professional desktop publishing, great to create posters)

LyX (graphic interface for Tex/LaTeX)

JabRef (open source bibliography reference manager)