Here’s the 101 on COVID-19: It is infection caused by a coronavirus (SARS-CoV-2), which originated in Hubei province in China, manifesting with an acute respiratory infection, usually with mild symptoms resembling a cold, but it can cause progressive bilateral pneumonia, acute respiratory distress syndrome, multiple organ dysfunction syndrome, and death. The disease is more lethal than seasonal influenza by a factor of ten, give or take, and it is traveling around the world, causing pain, sorrow, and loss of life and wealth. We do not have targeted antiviral therapy, but some medications like hydroxychloroquine, chloroquine, remdesivir, and tocilizumab are currently used (no azithromycin in my book). Treatment is supportive, meaning we try to support your body while it tries fighting this infection. Sometimes, your body ends up betraying you, causing more damage than anything else.
So far, the disease has been largely an intellectual exercise for me. I have been involved in infection prevention and therapeutic decisions in my hospital, but because of my unplanned staycation ending today, I have yet to see how my hospital is actually dealing with these patients looking for treatment and support. It will be an interesting Monday for sure. Virtual visits in clinic. Personal protective equipment dilemmas. When this will end. It’s just the beginning in my neck of the woods.